Welcome to Hannah Fleming-Hill

We are really pleased to welcome Hannah Fleming-Hill to the Mint House team providing partial maternity leave cover as Communications Officer. While Joy is on maternity leave Hannah will be supporting our events, social media and network communications. Hannah brings rich experience of events management, digital content creation and more.

Hannah is a digital missioner and comms consultant passionate about using social media and tech for good. She works with organisations and churches across the country supporting their digital work and is also studying at Spurgeon's College doing an MA in Digital Theology.

She lives on the sunny south coast in a small town outside of Bournemouth with her husband and their rescue french bulldog. She enjoys getting out in nature, whether that be walks in the nearby forest or swimming/kayaking/paddleboarding in the sea.  

“I'm looking forward to supporting The Mint House over this next year and hopefully I can keep the amazing work Joy has done going until her return.”